Yes, that's her name, and the last piece was finished (building) only, just two days ago. The top two sections have been bisque fired, the bottom three are in various drying stages, hopefully ready for bisque firing next week or so, in this weather, drying is pretty fast. Since I can't assemble her I have had to enlist aid at the studio to hold the various sections in place so I could get some sort of visual bechmark, there is still a lot I don't know yet, until I can really stack the pieces one on top of the other. But by the time I can do that, I won't be able to change much. Well using Photoshop, I have stacked her just to see how she "might" look. Not too bad for my first major sculpture attempt. I think she will end up being about 60--62" tall with several inches of each piece lost as they fit inside another piece. Since I can't actually place the items onto the lower pieces since they are too soft, I had to do it with Photoshop and the photos I have taken along the way. Now to get each piece through the bisque and glaze firing process, hope to have her done for the September Art Show. It has been grueling working on her in the studio ----hot and sweaty work. About 80 lb of clay all together. I think this project has gotten me over the desire to make "big" things, at least for now.