Well, I really can't believe it been so long since I have posted here. I got busy making things for shows/holiday sales, etc., then got plain lazy, but now am having fun trying out some new ideas. Still committed to "single firing". In fact, this very large box was constructed from little loafer's clay and decorated with underglaze, then glazed with clear on outside and a tinted clear on inside over a silkscreened text. Then single fired in my electric kiln at cone 5 (slow). Until I run into a problem, that is what I will continue to do since I paint all of my glazes on (not dipped). I may explore spraying glazes also which will still enable me to single fire. Well, here's the picture of the box:

Then I decided to make some ceramic hanging hearts which will enable me to try out new techniques, ideas, etc using the clay heart as a canvas. Here are some finished hearts, the first batch were a little too small, then I made a hump mold our of clay and let it dry based on an idea I saw in
Ceramic Arts Daily I have plaster molds and was planning on making more, but I needed one quickly and in the heart shape so I used this idea and I have to say I am quite pleased with it. They clay doesn't stick to the dry mold, and later, if I don't want or use the mold I can just reconstitute it and use the clay again. I used white (actually gray before firing) low fire clay because it is what I had the most of. I have since made a few more molds that way. Actually, it seems to make more sense especially for hump molds. I will continue to make/use the plaster molds for detailed items/ springs, etc. The mold has enabled me to make these hearts pretty quickly and I can then concentrate on decorating techniques. I think I can get these to a price point where they will sell. So far, all are one of a kind.

Also my beach kite flyers are selling faster than I can make them. This time (first time) two boys flying kites:
and a very new idea I have of creating the "Unsoftie"---love all the plush little figures sewn with fabric and I thought I might try a few done with ceramic, and here is my first "prototype." Isn't it cute?


I will play with a few more ideas, love making it look like fabrics, with stitching, etc.
Whew, that should do for a while, I am still making silkscreened jewelry but fabricating it into actual wearable items slows me down. I love making the components but now they are piling up waiting to be made into jewelry to wear. Just to show you all the pieces I have stashed away:
and this is just a few, have loads more---I have been experimenting with monoprinting from gelli plates for some of these pieces in the picture on the right. Well I think this post will show that I have been busy, if not posting. More later.