Worked at the gallery on the last day of the year and surprised there were quite a few people out and about. We even had some sales. The blue and white beach box in this
entry sold after Christmas as did all three of the music themed plates that I took into the shop after Christmas which were like the ones in
this posting. I had some very decent sales in December despite the fact that I sold over 60 items at the December Guild Pottery show. I had to take nearly everything out of the gallery for the
show since I did not have much hanging about. All in all a wonderful December. I was at the studio today all day and have these things going into the bisque kiln perhaps next week. I have been playing with my fences silkscreen and this is the third item. One is in the shop, see entry below, one is ready to go into glaze kiln (no photo yet), it doesn't look very interesting with glaze on it before firing. The first attempt broke before getting into bisque kiln. Had a couple in shop yesterday who asked me if I would be willing to put more of this theme into the gallery they are opening. Not sure if I will do this, since they aren't open yet and lots of questions are unanswered, but in the meantime, I thought I would play around with some different forms using this screen. Also everyone here loves anything with turtles. We have an active
turtle rescue program on our beaches and many people volunteer and support these activities, thank goodness. Thought I might play with the dolphins too.
I have another silkscreen on clay class coming up on January 17th and I am considering making a PDF file to sell on Etsy outlining my process on making and using the screens. Not sure about making it a NY's resolution though. We shall see, it is an idea that I have been playing with.