I made a few more music themed items, but it takes such a long time to get them finished. These babies are in for drying, then another week or so for bisque, then another week or so to get them out of glaze kiln. I have several things waiting to be final fired, and that batch might be out next Tuesday.

In fairness, I think I made these things after we got home from our two week trip, so certainly formed about 8th of Nov or so, and to be able to see them next Tuesday is really about two weeks. I find that my brown speckled clay takes a lot longer to dry. I have several things on the bisque shelf as well. Made these today and will post when they come out of final kiln and will, therefore, have a real feel for how long it takes. The kilns are pretty busy this time of year, so things might be moving a little faster than usual.
Here's a photo showing the items on the "waiting for bisque firing"

Boy, until I posted all this I hadn't realized how busy I have been this month, especially since, for me, handbuilding takes quite a while. I also have another big leaf platter that will come out of Glaze kiln (hopefully intact) that I didn't photograph for this posting. Next week!