I used tons of fresh greenery from the garden to decorate. This was fun. I had had the "plungers in claypots painted up gold from two Thanksgivings ago", and I had Oasis 4.5" balls in my stash. Sooo, I decided to make boxwood topiaries. Loved them for the buffet we had for our book club on the Friday before Christmas.

Then I took the boxwood balls off the plunger/pots, then stuck them on top of small crystal salt cellars for a lower arrangement for the Dining Room Table for Xmas eve. Gary makes his lasagna dinner and has done so every Christmas Eve for the last 9 years we have lived here. We usually invite friends and people we know who may not have family in the area. This year we had 11 for dinner and we set up six at the Dining Room Table and five at a table I set up in the Library.

Another fun thing was my rosemary on lime halfs dipped in egg white then crystallized sugar