that's what it is! My dear sister who is undergoing chemo (for a whole year), sent me a beautiful snowflake lace ornament she had made. It got to me too late last year to put on tree, so I had it pinned up on my bulletin board near my computer so I could admire it every day. Then, I saw a posting on my
Great Impressions forum posted by Tracy, which led me to this
wonderful site showcasing paper snowflakes and I thought, why not use my sister's ornament as the theme for my tree this year and have fun making all those snowflakes, sooooo, my daughter and I put up our tree on Friday and the snowflake madness began. You all know I am not content to just show one picture when a whole slideshow would be better, so, yes, yet another slideshow. I apologize for some of the not-so-clear photos as I am still not adept at using closeup lens in low lighting, but you all get the idea.